Be a Sponsor of Our Rachel Bitecofer "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts" Fundraiser!
March 6, 2024 - 6 - 7 PM
Rachel Bitecofer is a nationally recognized political analyst, writer and "Election Whisperer" whose new book is flying off the shelves. Rachel is making a return visit to Blue CD2 NM to talk about her latest book Hit Em' Where It Hurts: How to Save Democracy By Beating Republicans at Their Own Game. In it, she argues that to beat Republicans, Democrats must utilize an election strategy using negative partisanship that relies on one message to drive strong turnout for the party, while simultaneously pushing swing voters away from voting for Republicans. What's that message? Attend and find out!
In addition to our members and friends in New Mexico, Blue CD2 NM plans to reach out to a national audience through social media advertising and mentions by past speakers such as Simon Rosenberg, Reed Galen, and Dale Roy Robinson. Additionally, of course, Rachel's own audience will be notified. So sponsors can expect a good deal of exposure to like minded people. Sponsor names will also be prominently displayed during the event and on our website before and after the webinar.
About Us:
Blue CD2 New Mexico is a grassroots organization, formed in 2021, which was instrumental in the election of Gabe Vasquez to the NM District 2 House seat. Unlike other Democratic groups, we focus on registered but reluctant voters who generally don't go to the polls. We are gearing up for 2024 and your support will be appreciated and recognized. Learn more about us here.
Our 5 sponsorship levels and benefits:
Silver Level - $2500 - there are two sponsorships available. Silver sponsors are featured throughout the event, and are included in pre-event advertising.
Turquoise Level - $1500 - there are four sponsorships available. Turquoise sponsors receive prominent treatment.
Amber Level - $1000 - There are eight sponsorships available. Amber sponsors receive:
Coral Level - $500 - There are 12 sponsorships available. Coral sponsors receive:
Quartz Level - $250 There are 12 sponsorships available. Quartz sponsors receive:
In addition to our members and friends in New Mexico, Blue CD2 NM plans to reach out to a national audience through social media advertising and mentions by past speakers such as Simon Rosenberg, Reed Galen, and Dale Roy Robinson. Additionally, of course, Rachel's own audience will be notified. So sponsors can expect a good deal of exposure to like minded people. Sponsor names will also be prominently displayed during the event and on our website before and after the webinar.
About Us:
Blue CD2 New Mexico is a grassroots organization, formed in 2021, which was instrumental in the election of Gabe Vasquez to the NM District 2 House seat. Unlike other Democratic groups, we focus on registered but reluctant voters who generally don't go to the polls. We are gearing up for 2024 and your support will be appreciated and recognized. Learn more about us here.
Our 5 sponsorship levels and benefits:
Silver Level - $2500 - there are two sponsorships available. Silver sponsors are featured throughout the event, and are included in pre-event advertising.
- Large logo featured prominently on webinar background and promotional materials
- Feature spot on BlueCD2 podcast
- Inclusion on BlueCD2 website and social media
Turquoise Level - $1500 - there are four sponsorships available. Turquoise sponsors receive prominent treatment.
- Medium logo on webinar background and promotional materials
- Feature spot on BlueCD2 podcast
- Inclusion on BlueCD2 website and social media
Amber Level - $1000 - There are eight sponsorships available. Amber sponsors receive:
- Small logo on webinar background and promotional materials
- Shoutout on BlueCD2 podcast
- Inclusion on BlueCD2 website and social media
Coral Level - $500 - There are 12 sponsorships available. Coral sponsors receive:
- Text name (12pt font) on webinar background and promotional materials
- Text on BlueCD2 website
Quartz Level - $250 There are 12 sponsorships available. Quartz sponsors receive:
- Text name (8pt font) on webinar background and promotional materials
- Inclusion on BlueCD2 website